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Online Hindi Typing Test
Hello guys, welcome to the best online Hindi typing test available on the internet for free. This is Typingway – the way to learn typing. Best way to learn typing is to practice as many test as you can throughout a day. For a beginner, it is advised to come regular and give our 1 minute online hindi typing test for free. This will boost your typing speed up to 10x.
To clear any government exam you can use this online hindi typing test to practice hard and get a grip on keyboard. You can type as much as you can without paying any thing. It provides you the platform to perform good in online hindi typing test and competition conducted by our website.
Hindi Typing Speed
How to type fast in Hindi? This is one of the most asked questions by aspirants.if you already know how to type in Hindi in fonts of Devlys 010 online hindi typing test and Krutidev online hindi typing test (because this two are the only languages asked in government exam mostly in India and Indian states like Rajasthan), then you can simply start the 5 minute online hindi typing test by selecting the time from combo box. Well if you are a beginner then I suggest a minimum of 60 minutes online hindi typing test practice daily will make your speed boosted. You may find it difficult in the beginning but slowly it will become a habit after a while. Always remember slow and study wins the race.
Hindi Typing Keyboard
Keyboard Requirement for hindi typing is mostly Remington Gail which is used in many exams like RRB NTPC, Highcourt LDC , SSC, CPCT etc. So if you want to create a good typing speed on the preferred keyboards by all government boards. Then you must have to keep using the Rmington Gail Keyboard layout.
The typewriter layout on Hindi font Mangal or Kruti dev which is asked in many government examinations. Like in SSC, SSC-CHSL, SSC-CGL, RSMSSB LDC, RSSB LDC, Highcourt LDC, Suchna Sahayak, Rajasthan Information Assistant etc.
So you can rely on us to clear any of these Hindi typing tests asked in government exams. Gaining proficiency in daily exercises will result in maximum speed. All our exercises are based on the government exam pattern. Practice as much as you can. Then you are ready to go. For the competition. So try now our online hindi typing test

Online Hindi Typing Test
About online hindi typing test, it is the best hindi typing test which is providing you the competitive environment for hindi typing test. You can take your test and submit your result to tell your typing speed to the world. Everyone can see your score on the leader’s board you can clear any typing test like this. Test is the best way of learning and concurring your weakness.
Approx Time To Become a Pro
In how much time I can learn Hindi typing? This is also another most asked question by aspirants. This thing is totally depends upon the amount of practice and time you give to learn Hindi typing. And also learning to type in Hindi is a different thing but the main thing is to be able to type fast in hind. Regular online hindi typing test in Hindi will improve the quality of your typing in minimum days.
Best Online Hindi Typing Test
you can simply login to our web portal https://www.typingway.com/login and you can find the software in your profile page. It is absolutely a free typing test software.
If you like this application please share it on facebook and other social media platforms your one share will help us to grow more and bring new free of cost services to you. So that other user in need can also get benefit from it. Thank you so much for visiting us. Come again ! and please do online typing test for 10 minutes in english.
how to use Online Hindi Typing Test

How to learn online Hindi typing speed test – typingway software
STEP 1: log on to https://www.typingway.com/home . This is a Hindi typing practice online software you can also download the offline software by signing in.
STEP 2: Then you will see this screen. This is the home page of the website
STEP 3: Now you can simply start typing what’s written inside the box. The word you have to type is highlighted and also its keys are shown in the TYPE THIS box aside. You can also choose between expert mode and normal mode. Just click on show guide to activate normal mode if you are in expert mode.
STEP 4: As you start typing the timer will be started automatically according to your time frame selection (how to change time is in next step). The correct word you are going to type will be shown as green letter and the wrongly typed characters will displayed as red.
Step 5: to change time limit, you just have to click on the top right corner of the typing box. Where there is a dropdown symbol is appearing. Choose typing 5 minutes test or up to 60 minutes online hindi typing test. Isn’t it the best software for Hindi typing.
STEP 6: if you are getting bored with the random words then typing hard paragraph exercise from the right sidebar. And start typing race to get in top of the speed chart. This can be useful for online Hindi typing test of suchna sahayak.
STEP 7: You can also choose between the English and Hindi typing from the radio button on top this can be very useful for Rajasthan high court LDC type test. Because we use devlys 010 for Hindi typing and Calibri for English typing.( devlys and kruti dev typing test are the same typing font)
STEP 8: And now you are done.
Check for the result when you completed typing means you have reached the end of the time for online hindi typing test. Your result will display on the screen. Now you can save your score or try another round.
Importance of Online Hindi Typing Test
Hindi typists are increasing day by day as the digital realm is growing. So to keep up with the rest of the world every organization is digitizing their old fashioned bookkeeping techniques. As you know Hindi is the official language of India so many records and data sets are in Hindi. Especially in government sectors, there is an emerging need for Hindi typists in every department.
Nowadays, many of the government jobs require enhanced typing skills and they are also conducting separate typing exams for the aspirants. So if you care to follow my advice then I will definitely suggest that you learn this job-saving skill. Before it becomes a necessity and competition increases.
How to test your hindi typing speed
To test your typing speed in Hindi just type as many lines as you can in the above text box as you can. Try to maintain a speed of at least 30 WPM to 40 WPM. Every correct word type will be marked as green and the red color is for the wrongly typed word. When you have done typing according to your selected time frame. Your Result will display on the screen. Save it if you want to compete. Or just try again. As you wish.You can also try different paragraphs for typing practice. If you are feeling bored by typing only some random words
Hindi typing competition
you might have played many typing online games which are full of graphics and other things. Well they seems good at starting but there magic fades out as you involve more and more in them. The best way to learn typing without getting bored is when a little adrenaline is releasing while you are typing it makes you more active and you will be more prone to learn fast.
So the question is how you will achieve a kind of situation where your harmonic glands release this adrenaline. Well answer is simple through competing live with top competitors through our website. This is the best way to learn typing –the typing race for at least 1 minute or online typing test for 10 minutes in english . When you type daily for at least 60 minutes consistently for a month or so, automatically your speed is going to increase.
Online Hindi Typing Test Of Government Jobs
Government Jobs which require typing skills are not less in numbers. In both government and private sectors, Typing jobs are increasing day by day. like data entry jobs. They ask Devlys 010 or Kruti dev 010 font for the Hindi typing. Typingway is using the same font for Hindi typing and Calibri for English typing.
Data entry is one of the jobs with minimum education qualification requirements. Most importantly you are eligible for the job if you are only 10th or 12th pass. You just need a good Typing speed. which you can get through the Hindi typing test.
Some of the major typing government jobs are.
- Suchna Sahayak Rajasthan.
- Information Assistant (Vidyut Vibhag).
- High court stenographer.
- SSC CHSL stenographer.
- Rajasthan High Court LDC
- RRB NTPC Typing Exam
How to learn hindi typing
The first step is to learn typing without seeing the keyboard. If you are a typist and don’t know touch typing then dude, you are seriously missing some skills which are barring you from achieving maximum speed. Looking at the keyboard, again and again, makes you a turtle. Well, you don’t want to be a turtle then start typing without seeing at your Remington Gail Keyboard. I know it looks awesome, beautifully crafted, perfectly designed. but sweetheart you gotta avoid looking at it. Start typing by looking at your screen. This will save a lot of time.
Find a typing tutor. Like this website is providing you a great platform to test your typing speed. There are a lot many other platforms too which are providing spoon-feeding learning techniques. You can also learn from them just to reach the level of touch typing. I personally don’t like such tutors, instead of those you can use this https://typingway.com/blog/ for learning different techniques and getting the latest information update on any running government application process or any upcoming government typing examination.
Start practicing today. you might find it difficult to sit for more than a few minutes on a desktop to practice Hindi typing. But trust me practice is the key. It will make your muscle memory stronger to find the right location of keys. Just switch the time limit to 60 minutes and start typing. 1 hour a day will make you beat your competition.
important link to learn hindi typing Online typing test by technoguru amit
CPCT Typing Test
what is CPCT Typing Test : CPCT stands for Computer Proficiency Certification Test. This is a form of test taken by an organisation in MP. For any government examination which require computer proficiency you need a certificate of CPCT. This organization will issue you a score card which shows your eligibility in any government examination you want to appeare. for more information you can visit CPCT Official Website.
As per MP Government, Main objectives of CPCT are :
1 Setting-up a common uniform system for assessment of basic computer proficiency and eliminating the need of different procedures and certifications.
2 Develop and sustain computer proficient talent pool certified against acceptable standards for computer and key board proficiency.
3 To facilitate all the govt. departments and agencies for their relevant human resource requirements at various levels.
4 To develop a transparent, fair, object oriented and scientifically designed system to asses’ relevant capabilities of Candidate to refer during recruitments in various government departments and agencies.
CPCT Hindi Typing Test
For hindi typing test The available keyboard layout will be Remington Gail & Inscript in UNICODE. You can choose it while submitting application form. Application form can be edited till it is not submitted. After successful submission of the application form, nothing can be edited further.The test duration is 120 Minutes. The test will have two sections and both the sections are mandatory to attempt.
A Part - This section will be of MCQs the time limit to attempt it is 75 minutes.
B Part - This section includes typing tests of english and hindi 15 minutes for each.
WPM – Word Per Minute
Wpm is the unit of typing speed in hindi typing test it is very important to maintain WPM to minimum 60 for getting a efficient typing. Well it is not mandatory to maintain 60 wpm for any government typing exam. If you are giving any government exam they just give the instructions to type above 35 words per minute.
A Part - This section will be of MCQs the time limit to attempt it is 75 minutes.
B Part - This section includes typing tests of english and hindi 15 minutes for each.
RRB NTPC Typing Test
You can clear any government typing test by using our typing software Typingway. This is the best software for both hindi and english typing test. You have to do a only thing which is practice. type for 60 minutes daily and see your improving results day by day.
High Court LDC Typing Test
Rajasthan high court ldc typing test. This is again a very important phase to clear this examination. The typing test will be in dual language. Most certainly in Hindi and English both the languages. You can clear this exam very easily by using our online hindi typing test for speeding up your Hindi typing and. You can also use our online typing test for the English typing speed test.
Rajasthan High Court LDC Typing Test
After you clear this exam you have to clear the typing test in which you have to score as much as you can to finally get selected. In order to get you selected in this exam we are introducing to you, the best typing solution for free typingway.com . it is a secure online typing practice application for the applicants applying for this job.
Other Typing Test
Through this typing test links you can master the art of typing. To perfect the typing habbits you must have to type for atleast 60 minutes a day. This will boost your typing speed. Some Important Typing Test Available on this platform are as follows.
- High Court LDC typing test
- RRB NTPC typing test
- hindi typing test
- online hindi typing test
- english to hindi typing
- online typing test
- typing speed test
- 1 minute typing test
About Typingway
What is Typingway : Typingway provides a great online hindi typing test platform to test your typing skills and typing speed, to get your Hindi or English typing speed boosted use our 1-minute typing test or 5 minute typing race in Hindi or English. Then see how fast you are in typing and compare your result with other competitors. Also if you want to earn some competition points then login and save your typing speed. If you remain in the top chart for a week then you will get direct Rewards.
Used For: Our online Hindi typing test software is used for the government exams like CPCT, Rajasthan high court LDC, RRB NTPC, typist, LDC, Jr. accountant, Informatics assistant, suchna sahayak, UDC, kanisth sahayak, stenographer,CPCT Typing Test, highcourt LDC you can also read this article on Rajasthan highcourt LDC Upcoming Vacancy
Features: We use the font devlys 010 for the Hindi typing which is asked in almost every typing government exam so the more you practice on our platform, the faster you will be able to type as this software uses the top 500 words of both the language. If you were able to type every frequent word faster, you will be able to type faster anything also!
How to download typing online test free software: you can simply login to our web portal https://www.typingway.com/login and you can find the software in your profile page. It is absolutely a free typing test software.
If you like this application please share it on Facebook and other social media platforms your one share will help us to grow more and bring new free of cost services to you. So that other users in need can also get benefit from it. Thank you so much for visiting us. Come again ! and please do an online typing test for 10 minutes in English.
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