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भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 1 : सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता
by : nikhar    views :7882 Uploaded : 04-06-2020

Indian History Notes for Rajasthan patwari in hindi - भारत का इतिहास - Chapter 1 - सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता, read Indian history notes for free and learn all the possible question which can be asked in exams. sindhu ghati sabhyata se lekar bharat ki aazadi tak.

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भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 3 : महाजनपद युग
by : nikhar    views :7202 Uploaded : 08-06-2020

Indian history hindi notes for Rajasthan patwari chapter 3 Mahajanpad yug. महाजनपद युग . premium notes for government exams in India. It covers all the the major topics which can be asked as GK questions

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Rajasthan Programmer Vacancy 2020-21
by : yogesh    views :6530 Uploaded : 31-05-2020

Know everything about Rajasthan Programmer vacancy 2020, Syllabus, Age limit, Eligibility criteria, salary, etc. Apply online now.

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भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 2 : वैदिक सभ्यता
by : nikhar    views :5887 Uploaded : 06-06-2020

Indian history notes for rajasthan patwari in hindi. This is chapter 2 of the series in this chapter we are going to cover वैदिक सभ्यता

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200 Rajasthan History and Art Culture previous year question bank
by : ajit24    views :4816 Uploaded : 08-12-2019

This is the collection of 200 questions previously asked in exams taken by RSMSSB. This are the most expected question which are likely to come in upcoming Rajasthan Patwari exam

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भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 4 : - मौर्य काल
by : nikhar    views :4507 Uploaded : 11-06-2020

indian history notes for rajasthan patwari bharti 2020. भारत का इतिहास - Chapter 4 - मौर्य काल . read premium notes for free of cost to clear any Indian central or state government exam.

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भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 6 : मध्यकालीन भारत: सल्तनत काल
by : nikhar    views :4108 Uploaded : 30-07-2020

भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 6 - मध्यकालीन भारत: सल्तनत काल . Indian history notes PDF for Delhi Saltanat in hidni to clear rajasthan patwari bharti premium notes for free of cost to clear any Indian central or state government exam.

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भारत का इतिहास -अध्याय 5 : गुप्त काल
by : nikhar    views :4092 Uploaded : 26-06-2020

Indian history notes PDF for rajasthan patwari bharti 2020. भारत का इतिहास - Chapter 5 - गुप्त काल . read premium notes for free of cost to clear any Indian central or state government exam.

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Most Repeated Computer Questions For Patwari
by : ajit24    views :2925 Uploaded : 27-03-2019

This is Science first lacture of chapter 1 Computer for the preparation of Patwari. In this chapter we have included almost every topic of General Science. our technique is question and answer base. As we all know Patwari exam is going to be cundected in Rajasthan most probably in June to September so without westing any time we started to prepare for the exam.this set of questions can be asked in verious posts such as commercial Apprientice goods guard, Indian railway, Station master, and various other posts such as clerk and others

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Most Important Idioms and Phrases for Rajasthan Patwari 2020
by : ajit24    views :2717 Uploaded : 07-02-2020

Prepare English coming in rajasthan patwari 2020. This is class 1 on idioms and phrases try to learn and remember at least 5 a day.

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Most Repeated Computer Full Forms For RRB NTPC
by : ajit24    views :2444 Uploaded : 27-03-2019

This is Science first lacture of chapter 1 Computer for the preparation of Patwari. In this chapter we have included almost every topic of General Science. our technique is question and answer base. As we all know NTPC exam is going to be cundected in INDIA most probably in June to September so without westing any time we started to prepare for the exam.this set of questions can be asked in verious posts such as commercial Apprientice goods guard, Indian railway, Station master, and various other posts such as clerk and others

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भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 7 : मुग़ल साम्राज्य
by : nikhar    views :2271 Uploaded : 30-07-2020

भारत का इतिहास - अध्याय 7 - मुग़ल साम्राज्य: 1526 ई. - 1857 ई. . Indian history notes PDF for Mugal Kaal ka itihaas or mughal Samrajya in hidni to clear rajasthan patwari bharti premium notes for free of cost to clear any Indian central or state government exam.

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