Upcoming Government Job Vacancy in 2020

List of upcoming jobs you must apply for in year 2020 get complete details about the jobs and job profile. Also get the strategy for success in these exams .

Hey guys, this is Ajit Trivedi Author of this blog and I am from Rajasthan. I was looking for a job this year and found some job openings in government sector, hear sharing with you, it might help for preparing in advance so that you have advantage of time in the competition. In every post vacancy I am going to tell you about salary, vacancies, expected date, previous year cut off, Apply online, Complete Details, and work pressure.

JOB NO. 1 – Rajasthan Patwari

Salary : 26,000

Vacancies : 3835

Syllabus : Maths, Reasoning, Rajasthan GK, India GK, Hindi, English, Computer

Previous Cut off Marks : 196 out of 300

Work pressure : High

Description: Rajasthan government is going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of Patwar for the vacancy of at least 3835 posts. It is the lowest level of Revenue Department. After promotion patwari becomes revenue inspector and then goes up to the Nayab Thesildar


JOB NO. 2 – Rajasthan Police Constable

Salary : 20200

Vacancies : 5000

Syllabus : Maths, Reasoning, Rajasthan GK, India GK, Computer, Knowledge about crimes against to women and child

Previous Cut off : 67 marks out of 100

Work pressure : High

Description: Rajasthan government is going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of Constable general and driver for the vacancy of 5000 posts. It is the lowest level of Police Department. After promotion Constable becomes Head Constable and then goes up to the Circle Inspector


JOB NO. 3 – Suchna Sahayak (Information Assistant)

Salary : 26,000

Vacancies : 46

Syllabus : Maths, Reasoning, Hindi, English, Rajasthan GK, Computer Knowledge

Previous Cut off : 107 marks out of 150

Work pressure : moderate

Description : Rajasthan Electricity board is going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of Information assistant for the vacancy of at least 46 posts. It is a typing job for the offices. After promotion IA becomes Assistant Programmer and then goes up to the Analyst cum programmer


JOB NO. 4 – Programmer (Vidyut Vibhag)

Salary : 56000

Vacancies : 10

Syllabus : Rajasthan GK , Programming java, c and c++ , software engineering

Previous Cut off : 102 out of 150

Work pressure : Very low

Description : Rajasthan Electricity board is going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of Programmer for the vacancy of at least 10 posts. It is a officer level job for the offices. After promotion Programmer becomes Analyst cum programmer.


JOB NO. 5 – Data Entry Operator –SSC CHSL

Salary : 25,500

Vacancies : TBA

Syllabus : English, Reasoning, India GK, Maths

Previous Cut off : 187

Work pressure : Moderate

Description : SSC (Central Government) going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of various posts of DEO, LDC, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant for the vacancy of  many posts. It is a Lowest level job for the offices of central government. This exam is going to be conducted by SSC, Known as CHSL  - Combined Higher Secondary Level. After promotion DEO becomes ADEO and moves further on.


JOB NO. 6 – Postal Assistant –SSC CHSL

Salary : 25,500

Vacancies : TBA

Syllabus : English, Reasoning, India GK, Maths

Previous Cut off : 151

Work pressure : Moderate

Description : SSC (Central Government) going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of various posts of DEO, LDC, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant for the vacancy of  many posts. It is a Lowest level job for the offices of central government. This exam is going to be conducted by SSC, Known as CHSL  - Combined Higher Secondary Level.


JOB NO. 7 – Sorting Assistant –SSC CHSL

Salary : 25,500

Vacancies : TBA

Syllabus : English, Reasoning, India GK, Maths

Previous Cut off : 156

Work pressure : Moderate

Description : SSC (Central Government) going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of various posts of DEO, LDC, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant for the vacancy of  many posts. It is a Lowest level job for the offices of central government. This exam is going to be conducted by SSC, Known as CHSL  - Combined Higher Secondary Level. These are mainly Posted in Railway stations



Salary : 19,900

Vacancies : TBA

Syllabus : English, Reasoning, India GK, Maths

Previous Cut off : 165

Work pressure : Moderate

Description : SSC (Central Government) going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of various posts of DEO, LDC, Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant for the vacancy of  many posts. It is a Lowest level job for the offices of central government. This exam is going to be conducted by SSC, Known as CHSL  - Combined Higher Secondary Level.


Upcoming Government Job Vacancy in 2020

Upcoming Government Job Vacancy in 2020

Created By : Ajit Trivedi

List of upcoming jobs you must apply for in year 2020 get complete details about the jobs and job profile . Also get the strategy for success in these exam. Upcoming Vacancies

Views : 531        Likes : 6
uploaded on: 04-12-2019

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