The President – Notes PDF & 10 most repeated questions | Indian Polity

In India, the President is the head of the nation and considered as the first citizen. The President of our country is the symbol of unity Integrity and solidarity. Metaphorically president is sometimes referred as the grandfather of an Indian family, where father makes a decision but to make it work grandfather’s agreement is must. Similarly, in Indian political scenario prime minister and the upper house and the lower house makes a decision but in the end only president can execute it. There are a lot much interesting facts and information to learn about president which we are going to discuss bellow. So let’s roll Know everything about Indian President powers/election/ qualification/ resignation. 10 Most Important Question of Indian Polity for UPSC, RAS, Patwari, Rajasthan Police, RRB NTPC, SSC CHSL.

This topic is about the President of India. You are going to know about every little detail like election process, appointment, salary, powers, special powers, resignation, qualification, and other important things. In the last section we will discuss about 50 most repeated important questions which had been asked in previous examinations like UPSC, RPSC, RSMSSB, RSSB, etc.


Table of content

In this article we are going to cover all of the bellow given topics. If you are a student and want to learn the topic for any exam, then make sure to read it till the end. Every minor detail which can come in the exam is explained in a very easy to understand manner.

  1. Qualifications for presidential candidate.
  2. Conditions for president’s office.
  3. Election of the President.
  4. Oath of the President.
  5. Powers of the president.
  6. Tenure of the President in India.
  7. Impeachment Process.
  8. Important Whatsapp’s and Facebook’s Indian polity groups to join.
  9. 10 most repeated important Indian polity questions.

Qualifications for presidential candidate

To be eligible in the election process of president, the candidate should fulfil the criteria below.

  • The candidate should be a citizen of India.
  • The age limit is minimum 35 years
  • Person should be qualified for the election of Loksabha.
  • Candidate should not hold any office of profit under the union government or any other government body.
  • The candidate has to make a security deposit of RS 15,000 in the RBI
  • The candidate must promised by at least 50 electors as proposers and 50 electors as seconders.

Conditions for president’s office

There are certain conditions of the president’s office

  • The president should not be a member of either house of parliament or any state legislature.
  • The president should not hold any other office of profit.
  • The president is entitled without payment of rent to the use of his official residence – the Rashtrapati Bhavan
  • His emoluments and allowances cannot be reduced or cut in any circumstances during his term of office.

Election of the President

The Election of President is not direct. Instead, the president is elected by an electoral college consisting of

  1. The elected members of both the Houses of Parliament
  2. The elected members of the legislative assemblies of the states
  3. The elected members of the legislative assemblies of all the union territories which haves it.

*Nominated members of any assembly do not participate in the election of the president.

Value of the vote of an MLA in election of the President is:

= (total population of state / total number of MLA) x (1/100)

Value of the vote of an MP in election of the President is:

= (total value of votes from MLAs of all states / total number of MP)

Oath of the President

The oath of office to the President is administered by the chief justice of India and if he is not present at the moment then the senior most judge of the Supreme Court administer the oath of the president.

In the oath the President swears about – 

1 To faithfully execute the office.

2 To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law

3 To devote himself to the service and well-being of the people of India.

Powers of the president

There are certain kinds of powers of the president in Indian political system.

1 Executive powers of the president

Any action of the government which is going to be executed is officially taken by the name of the president of India. In short he is the “Nominal Head” of our country

The President of India appoints major persons in the government such as – Prime Minister, All the members in council of ministers on the suggestion of Prime minister, Chief Justice of India, Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts, Attorney General of India (AGI), Comptroller and Auditor general of India (CAG), Chairman and Members of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and EC (Election Commission), Governors, and Members of Finance Commission.

The president of India can ask for any information about the affairs of the Union and proposals for legislation from the prime minister.

2 Legislative powers of the president

The president of India can summon or prorogue the sessions of the parliament. He also enjoys the power of calling a joint session of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

He can dissolve the Lok Sabha if the largest party of the house loses its majority and is not able to prove its majority.

The president of India has the power to nominate 12 members in Rajya Sabha and 2 anglo-Indian members in Lok Sabha

No money bill and state reorganization bill can be proposed in the parliament without the prior recommendation of the President.

The President can promulgate (impose) or withdraw an ordinance when the parliament is not in session, which has to be passed by the parliament in 6 weeks. Veto powers are discussed bellow in details.

3 financial powers of the president

The president says someone in the parliament to read the Annual financial statement which we known as the Union budget in general but remember that the word “Budget” is not mentioned in our constitution.

He can make advance withdrawal of the funds from the contingency fund of India to recover from any calamity.

He creates a finance commission in every 5 years to monitor the revenue distribution between state and union government.    

4 judicial powers of the president

President can ask for any advice from the Supreme Court on any matter of law.

The president has powers to grant pardon or alter the sentence of any person convicted of any offence.

And this one we have already discussed, that president appoints the Chief Justice of India and judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts.

5 Diplomatic powers of the president

The president represents India in international forums and affairs. He also sends and receives diplomats like ambassadors and high commissioners.

6 Military powers of the president

He is the Supreme commander of all forces.

He appoints chief of army, navy, and air force staff.

He can declare War or can conclude peace on the advice of the parliament.

7 Emergency powers of the president

The President can declare emergency according to the bellow articles

Article 352 : National Emergency in the case of a war or any armed rebellion.

Article 356 : President Rule in the State on the advice of governor.

Article 360 : Financial Emergency when the integrity of our nation is at stack.

8 Veto power of the president

In the literal terms, veto means right to reject. The President of India enjoys 3 types of veto powers

Absolute Veto – The President can withhold his approval to a bill passed by the parliament. The bill then ends and will not become an act.

Suspending veto – The President uses this veto power when he disapproves a bill and returns it for reconsideration of the Parliament. But he is forced to pass it if it comes back to him by the parliament with or without any amendment.

Pocket Veto – The President neither approves nor disapproves the bill, instead he keeps the bill in the pending state for an indefinite period of time.

9 Ordinance making powers of the president

The President can promulgate (impose) or withdraw an ordinance when the parliament is not in session, which has to be passed by the parliament in 6 weeks according to article 123. This works the same as an act but counted as a temporary law. Parliament can dismantle this ordinance before 6 weeks.

10 Pardoning powers of the president

According to the article 72, the president has powers to grant pardon or alter the sentence of any person convicted of any offence.

Tenure of the President in India

Term Of the office = 5 years

Can submit resignation to = Vice President

Can be re-elected = infinite number of times

Impeachment Process

According to the article 61, the president can be removed by the process of impeachment before his regular tenure of 5 years. It needs signature of ¼ members of the house that framed the charges to initiate the impeachment process.

When the process initiated, then it requires 2/3 members of that house to approve the impeachment process. When it passed by the 2/3 members of the house who put allegations, Then it moves to the other house of the parliament. And again in the other house it requires 2/3 members to pass the resolution.

If it passed by both the houses successfully then only the president can be removed.


Important Whatsapp and Facebook Groups

If you are interested in group studies then you might want to join our whatsapp group for exchanging notes and getting job updates.

10 most repeated important Indian polity questions

Q1 How is the President elected in India

Answer: By direct election

Q2 Through which voting system the President of India is elected.

Answer: Single Transferable Vote System

Q3 Minimum number of the electors needed to be proposer of the presidential candidate is

Answer: 50 Electors are needed as the Proposers.

Q4 The Chief minister of a state in India is not eligible to vote in the Presidential election if –

Answer: He is a member of the upper house of the state legislature.

Q6 Which Article of Indian Constitution enumerated qualification for election as President?

Answer: Article 58(1)

Q7 To Whom does the President of India address his resignation?

Answer: To the Vice President Of India

Q8 The President of India can be removed from his post by

Answer: Impeachment Process

Q9 By Which house of Parliament, Impeachment may be imposed on president?

Answer: By Any house of the Parliament.

Q10 Which article  of the Indian Constitution deals with the impeachment process against the Indian President.

Answer: Article 61.



Title: Indian President Complete topic | SSC | UPSC | NTPC

Desc: Know everything about Indian President powers/election/ qualification/ resignation. 10 Most Important Question of Indian Polity for UPSC, RAS, Patwari, Rajasthan Police, RRB NTPC, SSC CHSL.       

Tags: Indian President, typingway Indian president, powers of president, election of president, how president is elected, qualification for president , resignation of president, who does president submits his resignation to, Indian polity, Indian polity for RRB NTPC, Indian Polity for SSC, Indian polity for ssc CGL, CHSL, SSC CHSL Indian polity, rajasthan patwari, rajasthan police polity

The President - Notes and 10 most repeated questions on Indian Polity

The President - Notes and 10 most repeated questions on Indian Polity

Created By : Er. Nikhar

Know everything about Indian President powers/election/ qualification/ resignation. 10 Most Important Question of Indian Polity for UPSC, RAS, Patwari, Rajasthan Police, RRB NTPC, SSC CHSL. Indian Polity

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uploaded on: 01-06-2020

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