Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak Vacancy – 2020-21

suchna sahayak vacancy 2020 2021 information assistant vacancy 2020 2021

Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak Vacancy – 2020-21

Know everything about Rajasthan suchna sahayak vacancy 2020, Syllabus, Age limit, Eligibility criteria, salary, etc. Apply online now. In English "suchna sahayak" is also known as Information Assistant. Rajasthan government is going to announce total 294 posts of Suchna Sahayak in 294 sub blocks of Rajasthan. Also there are a few more posts vacant in the electricity department, so may be number of vacant posts increase. You will see a notification of Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak vacancy 2020-21 very soon this year.

 In the year 2018 RSMSSB conducted a competition exam for fulfilling the vacancy of a very elite post in the IT Sector for the Department of electricity RUVNL and for the DOIT. Generally a Information Assistant is the one who deals with all the online and digital office work. You have to prepare a report of some paper work for your seniors. After promotion you can become an assistant programmer, a programmer or an ACP.

Name of Job – Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak Bharti 2020

Salary: 9,000 -35,000 Basic + 4,600 Pay grade

Education Qualification: BCA,MCA, B Tech., MSC IT, M Tech., etc.

Age limit: 18 – 40 (Differences in reserved cast)

Vacancies: around 200

Syllabus:  Rajasthan GK, Current Affairs, Reasoning, Proffessional Knowledge.

Previous Cut off Marks: Gen 64.27 and OBC 62.07.

Work pressure: Low Work pressure and majorly of office work.


In this article you will be provided with the complete information about the post of Information Assistant in DOITC and the exam of it conducted by the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board

What you will know in this article

  1. Job Description
  2. Salary and education qualification
  3. Syllabus and old year papers
  4. How to prepare for it
  5. Job motivation


Job Description

After all, what this job is all about? The Job of Information assistant ( suchna sahayak ) is a very reputed and easy to do job in the field of IT sector of the government and the key tasks of this job are

  1. Get orders from your seniors
  2. Prepare some reports
  3. Simple Data Entry Work
  4. manage the offline and online letters
  5. follow the orders of ACP and seniors


Salary of Suchna Sahayak in Rajasthan

An Information Assistant gets the grade pay of Level 8 (Salary Around 20000-40000 rupees/month)


Recruitment of Information Assistant in Rajasthan

This is a very auspicious moment for the aspirants looking for jobs in Rajasthan specially the IT graduates. As you all know Rajasthan government has announced a vacancy for the post of Suchna Sahayak (Information Assistant). We can be consider this a golden opportunity as there are many less jobs in this field. And especially in a crisis like this time it is even harder to find a job which can utilize your degree and passion. So don’t miss it this time because this might be your last chance for getting a government job. Let’s dig into it a little deeper and explore it.


Eligibility Criteria for Information Assistant

1 Citizen of India

2 Also should be from Rajasthan if you want to take benefits of reservations.

3 Must be between 18 to 40 years of age.

4 Must be graduated from computer stream.


Education Qualification

Any graduate from computer or computer application stream is eligible for this exam you must have to do one of the degree or diploma in computer science. Like BCA, MCA, BSC Computer science, MSC in computer science / IT etc. Some other diplomas from computer Science are also valid.

Total of 50% marks in any of the bellow -

  • E or B. Tech in Computer Science/ IT.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computers.
  • (Computer Science) or MCA.
  • Sc. (Computer Science) / BCA.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree.
  • B Level from DOEACC and Post Graduate degree in any subject.
  • C Level from DOEACC.

Also proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium is needed.

In many of the government examination in Rajasthan a special course of RSCIT is mandatory for taking part in any examination, but as you are an IT graduate there is no need for that. But still to be in a safe side you should do it if you have sufficient time.


Rajasthan suchna sahayak Bharti 2020-21 Age Limit

Age limit for Rajasthan Suchna sahayak bharti 2020 is different for various categories for general category it is between 18 to 40 years. It means that a candidate must have attain at least 18 years of age and should not exceed 40 years of age. 


Exam Pattern

A candidate must appear in all the papers. The marks and time allowed for each Paper shall be as under:-

 PAPER- I - 100 Marks | 2 Hours

PAPER- II –  Typing


Detailed Syllabus Breakdown

Part 1 –

  • Reasoning Test & Numerical Analysis & General Knowledge
    • Problem solving,
    • Data Interpretation,
    • Data Sufficiency,
    • Logical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning.
    • General Knowledge and Current Affairs relating to India and Rajasthan.
  • Data Base Management Systems
    • ER Diagram,
    • data models- Relational and Object Oriented databases.
    • Data Base Design: Conceptual data base design,
    • Normalization Primitive and Composite data types,
    • concept of physical and logical databases,
    • data abstraction and data independence,
    • data aggregation and Relational Algebra.
    • Application Development using SQL: Host Language interface,
    • embedded SQL programming,
    • Stored procedures and triggers and views,
    • Constraints assertions.
    • Internal of RDBMS: Physical data organisation in sequential,
    • indexed random and hashed files.
    • Inverted and multilist structures,
    • B trees, B+ trees,
    • Query Optimisation,
    • Join algorithm.
    • Transaction Processing,
    • concurrency control and recovery management.
    • Transaction model properties and state serialisability.
    • Lock base protocols,
    • two phase locking.
    • Different server multi user,
    • multiprocess operating systems and requirement for client interfaces in distributed application environments.
  • Data Communication and Computer Networks
    • Computer Network Architecture,
    • Circuit switching,
    • Packet And Massage Switching,
    • Network Structure. Physical Layer,
    • Data Link Layer,
    • Retransmission algorithms.
    • Multiple access and Aloha.
    • CSMA/CD and Ethernet.
    • High Speed LANs and topologies.
    • Broadcast routing and spanning trees.
    • TCP/IP Stack.
    • IP Networks and Internet.
    • DNS and Firewalls.
    • Intrusion Detection and Prevention.
    • Transport layer and TCP/IP.
    • Network Management And Interoperability
  • Computer Professional Knowledge
    • Operating system
    • OOPS in java/C++
    • Web development
    • Computer fundamentals
    • Software development
    • Networking
    • Data Structure

Part 2 –

Typing Test : After clearing the pre exam you are going to give another exam of qualifying nature which is your typing speed test. This is just of qualify nature and you need to attain a maximum of 20 word per minute in both hindi typing test and english typing test


Typing test for Information Assistant

To practice typing test for information assistant you can log on to www.typingway.com

Typingway provides you the best typing solution for practicing hours for free. It is absolutely free. It does not comes with any fee or any other additional charges. There are two types of free of cost typing tests available for suchana sahayak bharti in rajasthan


  1. Hindi typing test
  2. English typing test


Minimum Qualifying Marks

Candidates who obtain a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate for the written examination shall be considered to have obtained qualifying marks at the written examination, but the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, shall be 36%. The Commission/Appointing Authority may in their/its discretion award grace marks upto three in the aggregate.


Suchna sahayak Update information assistant


How to apply for Rajasthan suchna sahayak vacancy 2020

Step 1: log on the the official website of rajasthan single signon https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/

Step 2: Create an account if you don’t have it already.

Step 3: After creating the account login and verify your phone number.

Step 4: Now after logging in you will redirect to your dashboard.

Step 5: In the dashboard there are many icons, click on the Recruitment portal.

Step 6: There you will find a list of active ongoing vacancies

Step 7: Click on the vacancy of your choice.

Step 8: Now fill the necessary details and submit the application form.

Step 9: After successfully submitting the form you will be asked for the payment.

Step 10: pay the fee and print the receipt.





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Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak Vacancy 2020 2021

Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak Vacancy 2020 2021

Created By : Yogesh Sir

Know everything about " Information Assistant " Rajasthan Suchna Sahayak vacancy 2020, Syllabus, Age limit, Eligibility criteria, salary, etc. Apply online now. Upcoming Vacancies

Views : 1299        Likes : 3
uploaded on: 11-08-2020

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