Idioms and Phrases

Most Important English for Rajasthan Patwari 2020

Most Important Idioms and Phrases for Rajasthan Patwari 2020

Desc: Prepare English coming in rajasthan patwari 2020. This is class 1 on idioms and phrases try to learn and remember at least 5 a day.

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These are some of the idioms and phrases which comes repeatedly in the previous exams of rsmssb or ssc. Try to remember them this are very important in order to clear this exam with a good rank.

An eye for an eye – ः जैसे को तैसा

Apple of discord – ः विविाद या झगड़े का कारण

Apple of one’s eye – ः बहुत प्यारा

Apple pie order – ः साफ सुथरा एवं सुव्यवस्थित

Armchair critic – ः सेद्धांतिक आलोचना करना

At daggers drawn – ः षत्रुतापूर्ण

Bite the dust – ः पराजित होना

Bird’s eye view – ः सरसरी निगाह से देखना 

Bite the bullet – ः विपरीत परिस्थिति का सामना करना

Big fish – ः महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति

Beat about the bush– ः मुद्दे से हटकर इधर उधर की बातें करना

Be in the eye of storm – ः समस्या के केन्द्र मे होना

Back to square one – ः जहा से प्रारंभ हुआ था वहीं पहुच जाना

Beyond the plate– ः सामाजिक या नैतिक रूप से अस्वीकार्य

Call a spade a spade– ः साफ साफ सच्चाई बता देना

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Most Important Idioms and Phrases for Rajasthan Patwari 2020

Most Important Idioms and Phrases for Rajasthan Patwari 2020

Created By : Ajit Trivedi

Prepare English coming in rajasthan patwari 2020. This is class 1 on idioms and phrases try to learn and remember at least 5 a day. Rajasthan Patwari 2020

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uploaded on: 07-02-2020

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