Rajasthan Computer Teacher vacancy 2020

Rajasthan Computer Teacher Vacancy – 2020

Rajasthan government has announced total 41000 posts in education sector in its budget 2020. In which Chief Minister Ashok Ghelot also announced the making of new cader of computer teacher in secondary and sr. secondary schools. So here is a detailed analysis of this post. You will get to know about syllabus, age limit, and education qualification.

Name of Job – Rajasthan Computer Teacher Grade II and Grade III 

Salary: 9,000 -35,000 Basic + 4,600 Pay grade

Education Qualification: B. Tech, BCA, MCA, MSC IT/Computer Science

Age limit: 18 – 40 (Differences in reserved cast)

Vacancies: around 14601

Syllabus: Reasoning, Rajasthan GK, Hindi, English, Professional Knowledge

Previous Cut off Marks: First time exam

Work pressure: Moderate

Rajasthan government is going to be conducting an exam for the recruitment of Computer teacher for the vacancy of at least 9000 posts. It is a teaching job of education department. After promotion teachers can become PGT and headmaster and so on and then goes up to the Principle.

Recruitment of Computer Teacher in Rajasthan Government School

This is a very auspicious moment for the aspirants looking for jobs in Rajasthan specially the IT graduates. As you all know Rajasthan government has announced making of a new cadre for computer teachers. We can consider this a golden opportunity as there are many less jobs in this field. And especially in a crisis like this time it is even harder to find a job which can utilize your degree and passion. So don’t miss it this time because this might be your last chance for getting a government job. Let’s dig into it a little deeper and explore it.

Eligibility Criteria for Computer Teacher

1 Citizen of India

2 Also should be from Rajasthan if you want to take benefits of reservations.

3 Must be between 18 to 40 years of age.

4 Must be graduated from computer stream.

Education Qualification

Any graduate from computer or computer application stream is eligible for this exam you must have to do one of the degree or diploma in computer science. Like BCA, MCA, BSC Computer science, MSC in computer science / IT etc. Some other diplomas from computer Science are also valid.

Total of 50% marks in any of the bellow -

  • E or B. Tech in Computer Science/ IT.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computers.
  • (Computer Science) or MCA.
  • Sc. (Computer Science) / BCA.
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree.
  • B Level from DOEACC and Post Graduate degree in any subject.
  • C Level from DOEACC.

Also proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium is needed.

In many of the government examination in Rajasthan a special course of RSCIT is mandatory for taking part in any examination, but as you are an IT graduate there is no need for that. But still to be in a safe side you should do it if you have sufficient time.

Rajasthan Computer Sikshak Bharti 2020 Age Limit

Age limit for computer teacher bharti 2020 is different for various grades. Bellow given list is the detailed classification for the age limit in computer sikshak bharti 2020.  

1st Grade Computer teacher = 40 

2nd Grade computer teacher = 35

3rd Grade computer teacher = 30

Detailed Syllabus Breakdown

Part 1 –

  • General English –
    • Comprehension of unseen passage
    • correction of common errors
    • Synonyms and antonyms
    • Phrases and Idioms
  • General Hindi –
    • दिए गए शब्दों की संधि एवं शब्दों का संधि विच्छेद
    • उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय
    • समास
    • शब्द युग्मो का अर्थ भेद
    • शब्द शुद्धि
    • वाक्य शुद्धि
    • मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्ति

Part 2 –

  • Rajasthan GK and Current Affairs
    • राजस्थान के इतहास की महत्वपूर्ण घटनाए
    • मेले, त्यौहार, लोकसंगीत, एवं लोकनृत्य
    • राजस्थान के धार्मिक आंदोलन एवं लोकदेवता
  • Reasoning
    • Banking level reasoning
  • Computer Professional Knowledge
    • Operating system
    • OOPS in java/C++
    • Web development
    • Computer fundamentals
    • Software development
    • Networking
    • Data Structure

How to apply for Rajasthan computer teacher vacancy 2020 

Step 1: log on the the official website of rajasthan single signon https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/

Step 2: Create an account if you don’t have it already.

Step 3: After creating the account login and verify your phone number.

Step 4: Now after logging in you will redirect to your dashboard.

Step 5: In the dashboard there are many icons, click on the Recruitment portal.

Step 6: There you will find a list of active ongoing vacancies

Step 7: Click on the vacancy of your choice.

Step 8: Now fill the necessary details and submit the application form.

Step 9: After successfully submitting the form you will be asked for the payment.

Step 10: pay the fee and print the receipt.


Rajasthan computer sikshak bharti 2020 news

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rajasthan government is going to recruit computer teachers this year. hear is a news cutting

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Tags: rajasthan computer sikshak bharti 2020, rajasthan computer sikshak bharti, rajasthan computer teacher vacancy, computer teacher, rajasthan computer vacancy, computer teacher vacancy, rajasthan computer teacher eligibility, age, rajasthan computer teacher age, rajasthan computer teacher exam date, rajasthan computer teacher vacancy, rajasthan computer teacher paper

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Computer Teacher Vacancy in Rajasthan 2021

Computer Teacher Vacancy in Rajasthan 2021

Created By : Yogesh Sir

Rajasthan government has announced total 41000 posts in education sector in its budget 2020. In which chief minister Ashok Ghelot also announced the making of new cader of computer teacher in secondary and sr. secondary schools. So here is a detailed analysis of this post. Upcoming Vacancies

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uploaded on: 30-05-2020

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