General Science Class 1 - Space and Astronomy - RRB NTPC Online question and answer
RRB NTPC Exam 2019
This is Science first lacture of chapter 1 overview of Space and astronomy for the preparation of RRB NTPC. In this chapter we have included almost every topic of General Science. our technique is question and answer base. As we all know NTPC exam is going to be cundected in INDIA most probably in June to September so without westing any time we started to prepare for the exam.this set of questions can be asked in verious posts such as commercial Apprientice goods guard, Indian railway, Station master, and various other posts such as clerk and others
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These are some of the most important questions almost asked in every past govt. exam this chapter includes the General Science solving and learning all this questions aspirent will be able to give the answer of the most frequently asked questions of Indian GK.
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General Science -Chapter 1 ( Astronomy and Space )
In this chapter we are going to discuss the physical structure of our space and galaxy. you will know in this chapter this chapter is the complete study of Space and Astronomy After reading many books the conclusion is in this 100 questions and answers This is part one of 10 question.
Q - who speculated that our universe is expanding ?
a - Edwin Hubble
Q - Who had propounded the planetary laws?
a - Kepler
q - Who had proved first that our earth and another planets are revolving :
a - Copernicus
q - which one of the following elements occur most abounantly in our universe?
a - hydrogen
q - The stellar and solar source of energy is :
a - Nuclear fusion
q - The device used to measure the diameters of stars and our galaxy (milky way) is called :
a - interferometer
q - What is the difference between asteroids and comets?
a - Comets show a perceptible glowing tail, while asteroids do not.
q - the planet which has the largest number of satallites is :
a - saturn
q - which one of the following planet is also called morning star or evening star?
a - Venus
q - The planet which completes one revolution in 88 days around the sun is
a - Mercury
q - The planet whose density is less than water and on keeping at the water surface it starts to float
a - saturn
q - The jet aircrafts fly very easily and smoothly in the lower stratosphere What could be the appropriate explanation?
a - 1 there are no clouds or water vapour in the lower stratosphere
2 There is no vertical winds in the lower stratosphere
q - The nearest star to the sun is
a - proxima centuary
q - The planet Neptune was discovered by
a - galley
q - the nearest planet from the sun is
a - Mercury
q - The smallest planet of the solar system is
a - Saturn
q - Which star is the nearest to the earth ?
a - sun
q - The small groups of planetory pices which are confined and revolving between mars and nupiter are called :
a - Asteroids
q - Halley's comet completes on erevolution around the sun in
a - 76 years
q - which year man firstly landed on the moon ?
a - 1969
q - from the space the sky appears to an astronaut:
a - Black
q - which of the following is known as the red planet ?
a - Mars
q - The earth revolves around the sun in
a - 365.25 days
q - Paris based minor planet center of international Astronomical union has given a new name to the planet Pluto which is
a - 134340
q - The largest planet of our solar system is
a - Jupiter
q - planet Saturn is
a - Hotter than Neptune
q - Who gave the first information regarding the Black Hole :
a - Albert Einstine
q - What is the distance of the earth from the sun
a - 149.6 Million Km
q - which one of the following is also called Blue planet or green planet
a - Earth
q - The planet where there exists a situation pressure cooker is :
a - Venus
q - If the radius of the earth is reduced by half, then the day-night on the earth would be of :
a - 6hrs
q - The planet pluto has been abondoned from the group of conventional planets and kept in the group of dwarf planets by a summit held in
a - prague
q - The planet nearest to the earth is
a - Venus
q - The earth has the size among all the planets:
a - 5th
q - the largest satelite of the planet Jupiter is
a - gantmede
q - The largest satellite of the planet Saturn is:
a - Titan
q - The stratosphere is said to be ideal for flying jet aircrafts because
a - of the absence of the cloudds and other weather phenomena
q - who had Discoverd the planet Uranus ?
a - William Herschel
q - The temperature of the surface of the sun is nearly
a - 5800 degree C
q - The back part of the moon is always calm and dark which is called
a - sea of tranquility
q - Which one of the following is the most elevated place on the moon's surface
a - ocean of storms
q - The sky appears black from the moon because of :
a - lack of atmosphere
q - the value of escape velocity on the moon's surface is :
a - 2.4 Km/second
q - on which one of the following planet the maximum value of escape velocity is to be found
a - Jupiter
q - which one of the following has minimum value of escape velocity on its surface ?
a - moon
q - What portion of the moon is visible from the earth's surface ?
a - 41%
q - At present how many planets are in existence
a - 8
q - An astronaut who landed or steeped down first on the surface of moon was :
a - Neil Armstrong
q - The Planet which has methane in its atmosphere is
a - Jupitor
q - The Theory of black hole was propounded by
a - S. Chandrasekhar
q - The black holes are
a - A region of the strongest gravitational pull.
q - In the process of the doppler's red shift -
a - Galaxy recesses outwardly from the earth
q - The shape of our galaxy milkey way is
a - spiral
q - The violent explosion of neutron star is calle
c - Nova or supernova
q - The colour of the star is the indicator of its
a - Temperature
q - which of the following regarding pole star are correct
a - 1 it is always shines in north direction & 2 It is confined always at the upper part of the north pole
q - The light from the sun reaches on the surface of the earth in
a - about 8 minutes
q - The density of the sun is
a - 1.41 g/cm cube
q - The life time of sun is
a - 10^10 years
q - The conventional planets are
a - 8
q - which one of the following planet is nearest to the sun ?
a - Mercury
q - which one of the following planet is nearest to the earth
a - Venus
q - Which of the following planet is the 2nd largest planet of our universe
a - Saturn
q - which of the following planet don't has/have any satellite
a - Mercury and Venus
q - which of the following planet don't has/have any Atmosphere
a - Mercury
q - Which of the following planet is called Earth's sister / earth's twin?
a - Venus
q - the density of the planet mercury is
a - 5.6 g /cm^3
q - which planet has the largest satellite ?
a - Jupiter
q - the name of the largest satellite of the planet Jupeter is
a - Ganymede
q - phobos and Deimos are the name of the Satellites of the planet
a - Mars
q - which of the following satellite is the smallest
a - Deimos
q - The valcano Alumps Mones is to be found on the planet
a - mars
q - The space expedition of mars probe are
a - spirit and opportunity
q - The space shuttel voyking space vehicle had been sent on
a - mars
q - The planet which can be seen through the naked eye is
a - saturn
q - the name of the largest satellite of the planet saturn is
a - Titan
q - The planet Uranus was invented by
a - William Harschel
q - The largest satellite Titan of planet saturn was invented by
a - christian Huygenes
q - which of the following planet is called modern planet of the solar system
a - Uranus
q - The planet Neptune was invented by
a - john galle
q - The satellite which has a dense atmosphere
a - Titan
q - the satellites Europa Calisto and almthica are the satellites of the planet
a - jupiter
q - the planet Neptune was invented by
a - John galle
q - the satellites Dayona, Ria and foebe are the satellites of the planet
b - saturn
q - the main component of the atmosphere of the planet uranus is
a - methane
q - The satellites Arial, ambrial , Oberon and titania, are the satellites of the planet
a - Uranus
q - the coldest planet of the solar system is
a - neptune
q - the planet pluto which has been discarded from the planet category was discovered by
a - claad Tambo
q - The mountain of the largest height nix olympia is located on the planet
a - Mars
q - which of the following planets of solar system do not have any satellite
a - mercury and venus
q - The celestial bodies cheron, ceres and xena 2003 UB 313 etc are a
a - Dwarf planets
q - the largest among all the discovered asteroids is
a - ceres
q - The comets are basically composed of ice and dust particles
a - ice and dust particles
q - The diameter of the moon with comparison to the earth is
a - 1/4th
q - The light from the moon to the earth's surface reaches in
a - 1.3 sec