100 Most Important Indian Polity Questions that might come in exam of RRB NTPC

Indian Polity Class 1 – The constitutional developement- RRB NTPC Online question and answer


RRB NTPC Exam 2019

These are some of the most important questions almost asked in every past govt. exam this chapter includes the Indian polity and governance solving and learning all this questions aspirent will be able to give the answer of the most frequently asked questions of Indian GK.

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Indian Polity and Governance -Chapter 1

In this chapter we are going to learn the one liners of our political system. you will know in this chapter this chapter is the complete study of indian polity and governance foundation. After reading many books the conclusion is in this 100 questions and answers This is part one of 100 question.

1. Which act of british parliament abolished the East India company monopoly over trade in India
a. Charter act of 1813

2. By which Act, legislative council of India received the power to discuss
a. Indian Council Act 1909

3. In which of the following acts, the provisions was made for the establishment of supreme court at calcutta ?
a. Regulating Act 1773

4. The federal court of India was established in which of the following year ?
a. 1937

5. Under which of the following Acts Dyarchy was introduced at central level ?
a. Government of India act 1935

6. which of the following acts introduced "the principle of constitutional autocracy" ?
a. The government of India act of 1935

7. Idea of Fundamental Rights is adopted from the constitution of -
a. America

8. The concept of Concurrent list in the constitution of India was borrowed from the constitution of
a. Australia

9. The concept of the Directive principles of state policy in the Indian Constitution has been adopted from the constitution of
a. Ireland

10. How many parts, Articles and Schedules was there in the original Indian Constitution ?
a. 22 Parts, 395 Articles and 8 Schedules

11. The Indian Constitution at present comprises of
a. 22 Parts, 395 Articles and 12 Schedules

12. Which parts of the constitution contains provisions relating to citizenship?
a. Part II

13. which part of our Constitution envisages a three tire system of Panchayats?
a. Part IX

14. which part and chapter of the Indian Constitution deal with the legislative relation between the Union and the States?
a. Part XI and Chapter I

15. which one of the following schedules of the Indian Constitution lists the names of states and specifies their territories?
a. First

16. Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of India deals with
a. Allocation of seats for the council of states

17. if a new state of the Indian Union is to be created, which one of the following Schedules of the Constitution must be amended ?
a. first

18. In which list of the Indian Constitution the Panchayati Raj subject is included ?
a. state list

19. In which schedule of the Indian Constitution Anti defection law is placed ?
a. Tenth Schedule

20. The right of the government to impose taxes and fees is provided in which list of the Constitution?
a. VII Schedule

21. Land Reform comes under the subjects of
a. State List

22. Special Provision regarding financial Bills is given under
a. Aritcle 117

23. which article of The Indian Constitution provides for All-Indian Services?
a. Article 312

24. who has termed Constitution a sacred document?
a. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

25. The objective of Indian Constitution is reflected in what part of the constitution
a. Preamble of the Constitution

26. How many types of justive has been enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution of India?
a. Three - Social , Economic and Political

27. Which is the most prominent element of a state?
a. sovereignty

28. "The state is every where: it leaves hardly a gap." this statement explains the concept of
a. welfare state

29. Constitution of India provides which type of governance system ?
a. Parliamentary

30. Is Red Tapism a feature of good governance ?
a. No

31. The main advantage of the parliamentary form of government is that
a. the executive remains responsible to the legislature

32. There is parliamentary system of government in India because the -
a. Council of Ministers is responsible to the Lok sabha

33. In a Presidential Government , all the executive powers are vested in ?
a. President.

34. The Parliamentary form of government was first introduced in which country?
a. Great Britain UK

35. The Centeral and state governments get authority from ?
a. Indian Constitution

36. who called Indian federalism as the cooperative federalism.
a. G. Austin

37. who said: "India is a quasi-federal state"
a. K.C. wheare

38. who stated that 'the Constitution has not been set in a tight mould of federalism' ?
a. B.R. Ambedkar

39. which is the National flower of India
a. Lotus

40. Satyamev Jayte is taken from ?
a. Mundaka Upanishad

41. what does the wheel on the Indian national flag symbolize ?
a. Justice

42. how many spokes are there in the wheel on a white strip of Nation Flag of Inda?
a. 24

43. the wheel in the middle of national flag is also known as
a. wheel of law

44. a complete of formal rendition of nation anthem takes ?
a. 52 Seconds

45. Indian Parliament has the power to create a new State under which Constitutional provisions?
a. Article 3

46. The power to carve out a new state is vested in
a. The parliament

47. who is empowered to alter the boundaries of states under the Constitution of India?
a. The Parliament

48. After Independance, in which year were the Indian States reorganized of the languistic basis?
a. 1956

49. According to Article 1 of Indian Constitution, India is
a. The Union of States

50. what majority is required for the Constitutional amendment to create a new state
a. simple

51. Union Territories in India are administered by:
a. The president

52. how many Union Terriotories are there in India in october 2019
a. 9

53. How many states are there in India in october 2019
a. 28

54. which are the two new UT in india
a. laddakh and jammu

55. Recently which state lost its status of state and converted into ut
a. Jammu and kashmir

56. The capital of which state has not been renamed after the attainment of freedom
a. Andhra Pradesh

57. Delhi is a/an
a. Union territory

58. sikkim became a state of India under
a. 35th amendment

59. In which year did the state Jharkhand come into existence ?
a. 2000

60. Chhattisgarh state came into existence on
a. 1 november 2000

61. Uttarakhand state was created in
a. the year 2000

62. which province was formed in 1948
a. Himachal Pradesh

63. Bihar as an Indian state was formed in
a. 1936

64. ULFA extremist are related to which state:
a. Assam

65. People's was group- a terrorist organisation is based in
a. Andhra Pradesh

66. The Kaveri River water dispute is among which of the following states?
a. Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Puducherry,kerela

67. the citizenship provided by the constitution of India is :
a. Single citizenship

68. In which part of the constitution of India we find the provisions relating to citizenship
a. Part II

69. Indian citizenship cannot be obtained by
a. depositing money in Indian banks

70. who is competent to prescribe conditions for acquisition of citizenship?
a. parliament

71. who is given the power to enforce the fundamental rights by the constitution
a. The supreme court and high courts

72. which article of the Indian Constitution puts an absolute limitation on the legislative power:
a. Article 14

73. Who was the 12th prime minister of India
a. HD Deve gowda

74. who was the law minister in the first cavinet of post independence India?
a. B.R. Ambedkar

75. who will decide the office of Profit?
a. Union Parliament

76. After resigning, whose permission does a minister require to give a statement in lok sabha?
a. Speaker

77. The number of lok sabha members required to table a no confidence motion against the council of minister is
a. 50

78. The Council of ministers has to resign if a no confidence motion is passed by a majority of members of
a. Lok Sabha

79. Which one of the following terms does not appear in the constitution of India?
a. Budget

80. In Indian polity, the executive is subordinate to the
a. Legislature

81. Which prime minister died outside India?
a. Lal bahadur shastri

82 The word Mantrimandal is mentioned only once in constitution and that is in
a.Article 352

83. The Reorganization of union cabinet is based on the report of
a. Gopalswaami Aggangar

84. who can participate in the proceedings of both the houses of parliament ?
a. Attorney General

85. Solicitor General of India is
a. Leagal Advisor

86. who advises the state government on leagal matters ?
a. Advocate general

87 which is the Upper Chamber of state legislature in India
a. Legislative councile

88. In which assembly of states, money bills are proposed
a. Only in legislative assembly

89. No money bill can be introduced in assembly of a state, except on the recommendations of
a. The Governor of the state

90. According to which article, the chief minister is appointed by the governor of a state ?
a. Article 164

91. which Article of the Indian Constitution provides the provision of vidhan parishad in the state ?
a. Article 171

92. which of the following states does not have bicameral legislature?
a. Tamil Nadu

93. In which of the following states legislative council does not exist
a. Rajasthan

94. Who conducts the state assembly elections?
a. Election commission of India

95. which state has the maximum number of members in legislative Assembly
a. Utter Pradesh

96. The number of nominated members in the legislative council is
a. 1/6 of the total strength

97. who recommends the distribution of finance between Union and the states.
a. Finance Commission

98. Who was the chairman of the twelfth finance commission
a. C. Rangrajan

99. The planning commission has been abolished by prime minister
a. Narendra Modi

100. when was the planning commission established?
a. 15th march 1950

This is Indian polity’s first lacture of chapter 1 the constitutional Development for the preparation of RRB NTPC. In this chapter we have included almost every topic of Political Science. our technique is question and answer base. As we all know NTPC exam is going to be cundected in INDIA most probably in Feb to March so without westing any time we started to prepare for the exam.this set of questions can be asked in verious posts such as commercial Apprientice goods guard, Indian railway, Station master, junior accounts assistant cum typist and various other posts such as clerk and others

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100 Most Important Indian Polity Questions that might come in exam of RRB NTPC

100 Most Important Indian Polity Questions that might come in exam of RRB NTPC

Created By : Ajit Trivedi

This is Indian polity’s first lacture of chapter 1 the constitutional Development for the preparation of RRB NTPC. In this chapter we have included almost every topic of Political Science. our technique is question and answer base. As we all know NTPC exam is going to be cundected in INDIA most probably in Feb to March so without westing any time we started to prepare for the exam.this set of questions can be asked in verious posts such as commercial Apprientice goods guard, Indian railway, Station master, junior accounts assistant cum typist and various other posts such as clerk and others RRB NTPC Online Exam Preparation 2020

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