Question and Answers - (Also in hindi in end)
q - which of the following satellite is the smallest
a - Deimos
q - The valcano Alumps Mones is to be found on the planet
a - mars
q - The space expedition of mars probe are
a - spirit and opportunity
q - The space shuttel voyking space vehicle had been sent on
a - mars
q - The planet which can be seen through the naked eye is
a - saturn
q - the name of the largest satellite of the planet saturn is
a - Titan
q - The planet Uranus was invented by
a - William Harschel
q - The largest satellite Titan of planet saturn was invented by
a - christian Huygenes
q - which of the following planet is called modern planet of the solar system
a - Uranus
q - The planet Neptune was invented by
a - john galle
q - निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा उपग्रह सबसे छोटा है
a - डीमोस
q - वाल्कैनो अलंप्स मोन्स ग्रह पर पाया जाना है
a - मंगल
q - मार्स जांच का अंतरिक्ष अभियान है
a - भावना और अवसर
q - स्पेस शंट वॉयलिंग स्पेस व्हीकल को भेजा गया था
a - मंगल
q - वह ग्रह जिसे नग्न आंखों के माध्यम से देखा जा सकता है
a - शनि
q - ग्रह शनि के सबसे बड़े उपग्रह का नाम है
a - टाइटन
q - यूरेनस ग्रह द्वारा आविष्कार किया गया था
a - विलियम हरशल
q - ग्रह शनि का सबसे बड़ा उपग्रह टाइटन द्वारा आविष्कार किया गया था
a - क्रिश्चियन हियुगेन्स
q - निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा ग्रह सौर मंडल का आधुनिक ग्रह कहलाता है
a - यूरेनस
q - नेप्च्यून ग्रह का आविष्कार किसने किया था
a - जॉन गैल
This is Science first lacture of chapter 1 overview of Space and astronomy for the preparation of RRB NTPC. In this chapter we have included almost every topic of General Science. our technique is question and answer base. As we all know NTPC exam is going to be cundected in INDIA most probably in June to September so without westing any time we started to prepare for the exam.this set of questions can be asked in verious posts such as commercial Apprientice goods guard, Indian railway, Station master, and various other posts such as clerk and others
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General Science -Chapter 1
Astronomy and Space
In this chapter we are going to discuss the physical structure of our space and galaxy. you will know in this chapter this chapter is the complete study of Space and Astronomy After reading many books the conclusion is in this 100 questions and answers This is part one of 10 question.